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Developing &
sharing knowledge to
prevent injuries &
fatalities on the roads.

We are a charitable road safety research institute studying unsafe behaviours & related risks affecting all road users.​

The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) works with governments, communities, industries, & road safety organizations. Our research influences legislation, programs, policies, enforcement, health, education, & training across sectors.

Donations help us share technical expertise with communities & give Canadians access to free educational tools & resources to inspire safer choices.

Road Safety Topics

We research different types of people who use roads & behaviours that create risk to educate road users & implement prevention strategies. Explore these topics to learn more about behaviour, risk & ways to stay safe.

Road safety problems are local.

This project helps unite diverse stakeholders in a community to assess top priorities & develop a strategic plan to make roads safer.

Learn more about road safety & ways to stay safe.

Access TIRF’s education programs with free fact sheets, infographics, blogs, vodcasts, posters & PSAs.

TIRF’s research & educational tools support the work of communities across Canada.

Your donations & our work enable them to spend less time looking for answers & more time developing & implementing road safety strategies.

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