2014-2015 New TIRF USA, Inc. Report: Annual Ignition Interlock Survey: United States

The Traffic Injury Research Foundation USA, Inc. (TIRF USA) in partnership with the Association of Ignition Interlock Program Administrators (AIIPA) and TIRF in Canada conducted a national survey of the number of total installed and active installed ignition interlocks in the United States in 2014, and from January 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015. These data provide a comprehensive picture of interlock installations across the United States and are a useful benchmark for state ignition interlock program administrators and the impaired driving community to measure interlock program participation. This current survey builds on the previous work of Dr. Richard Roth using an augmented data collection strategy.

Data requests were sent to state ignition interlock program managers, highway safety office directors, and department of motor vehicle staff in all 50 states, as well as 11 interlock manufacturers in September 2015. Interlock data requests included impaired driving arrest and conviction data, the total number of installed interlocks within a specified time period, as well as the number of active interlocks that were installed at a specific point in time according to offense category. As of January 18, 2016, a total of 28 states and 8 manufacturers responded to the data request.

The report summarizes a variety of results including impaired driving arrest and conviction data by state, the percentage of convictions per impaired driving arrests, the total number of installed interlocks and total number of active installed devices at a specific point in time in 2014 and 2015, as reported by both state agencies and manufacturers. The report also contains the total number and active number of installed devices according to offense categories, and the percentage of installed interlocks per impaired driving arrests and convictions according to states and manufacturers. The proportion of offenders deemed eligible to install a device, and the proportion of offenders that actually installed the device were also calculated.

These requested data are critical to evaluate state interlock programs. Reporting annual total number of installed interlocks can help interlock program managers gauge program effectiveness and opportunities for improvement and growth. In addition, these data can be used in conjunction with arrest and conviction data to identify the potential eligible offender population within the state.

This initiative was made possible by a charitable contribution from the Coalition of Ignition Interlock Manufacturers (CIIM).

Click here for the report and the project description page and updates.
Click here to learn more about AIIPA.

About the project partner: Association of Ignition Interlock Program Administrators

The Association of Ignition Interlock Program Administrators (AIIPA) is an organization composed primarily of employees of federal, state, county, parish or municipal employees who provide specialized knowledge to an ignition interlock program. AIIPA’s mission is to improve traffic safety through the development and promotion of best practices, enhancement of program management, and provision of technical assistance to the ignition interlock community.

To learn more, visit aiipaonline.org.

About the sponsor: Coalition of Ignition Interlock Manufacturers

The Coalition of Ignition Interlock Manufacturers (CIIM) is an ad-hoc organization formed by three of the nation’s leading ignition interlock manufacturers to combine members’ expertise and experience and speak with one voice to reduce the carnage caused by alcohol impaired drivers. CIIM strives to bring the most credible, factual information on ignition interlock devices to public policy discussions. CIIM currently is comprised of the nation’s leading manufacturers and remains open to any ignition interlock manufacturer certified for use in and operating in one or more states.

To learn more, visit ignitioninterlocksite.com.

For more information, please contact:


David Bird
Website administrator for TIRF.ca

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