



Sober Smart Driving

The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), with funding provided by Beer Canada, and in partnership with arrive alive DRIVE SOBER, re-designed and launched Sober Smart Driving (formerly Change the Conversation). This education program shares knowledge and research to answer common questions about alcohol and impaired driving. It contains facts to help Canadians speak up about the risks associated with drinking and driving and why they choose not to drink and drive.

Today, less than 6% of Canadians self-report driving after drinking when they thought they were over the legal limit and fatal road crashes involving a drinking driver have declined substantially. Still, alcohol is a contributing factor in slightly more than one in four (28.4%) of all road deaths in 2021.

Key topics discussed on this site include:

Check out our latest posters, PSAs and other resources available to support educational and awareness efforts.

These resources are designed to support the education and prevention efforts of communities, schools, health and road safety professionals and advocacy organizations. The resources can be accessed at

Sober Smart Driving impaired driving website logo

Project Sponsors

Beer Canada Logo@2x

Project Partners

Project Status: Ongoing
Project Updated: November 5, 2024

If you would like more information about this or any other project, contact:

Communications & Programs

613-238-5235 (office)
1-877-238-5235 (toll-free)
1-613-238-5292 (fax)

TIRF’s research & educational tools support the work of communities across Canada.

Your donations & our work enable them to spend less time looking for answers & more time developing & implementing road safety strategies.