


As soon as the user begins to drive, the phone screen will lock and SafeRide will mute incoming phone calls and audible alerts. The user can still make emergency calls or use a hands free system. A phone’s navigation system or music can still operate if the user starts these functions before driving the vehicle or engages them by means of hands free controls.

SafeRide’s passenger mode allows the user to access their phone if they are a passenger in their own vehicle. Auto-text replies can be sent to another party if the user is driving their vehicle.

Type of Technology:

Phone application

Target Audience:

General public and commercial drivers

Manufacturer and Country of Origin:

SafeRide Mobile, LLC (USA)


This application can be downloaded for free on Android and iOS phones.

Means of Activation:

SafeRide recognize the hardware in the user’s vehicle (e.g., Bluetooth and/or telematics devices). This application automatically locks a driver’s phone while the vehicle is in motion.


A handheld phone cannot be used when the vehicle is in motion.


Once the vehicle is parked, the user’s phone is reactivated.

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