

This web-based resource contains a wealth of information about distracted driving that can help stakeholders tackle priority issues.

The content is relevant across sectors, disciplines and communities of practice with a vested interest in this issue and who are looking for solutions to address this issue.

This E-Hub, created by the Canadian Coalition on Distracted Driving (CCDD), contains the latest research, educational programs and tools, current data and legislation in Canada, visual aids, other web-based resources and examples of practice.

Latest E-Hub Research and Technology Posts


This section contains more than 130 brief summaries of a wide variety of research reports and studies investigating distracted driving issues.


Technologies designed to mitigate distracted driving are perceived to be a solution that holds great potential to reduce and prevent collisions.

About the Canadian Coalition on Distracted Driving

The CCDD is an initiative of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation, Drop It And Drive® with funding for a five-year action plan (2017-2021) provided by Co-operators.

In early 2017, the CCDD released Distracted Driving: National Action Plan highlighting key initiatives focused on education & prevention, enforcement, data & research, and technology & industry. This E-Hub was one of the action items, all of which were completed in 2021 and are available here.
