Corporate Fees & Customization

Distracted driving corporate training customized for individual clients

Drop It And Drive® (DIAD) is a Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) education program focused on preventing distraction-related road user fatalities and injuries and increasing awareness of the risks of distraction in the workplace.

Thought-provoking, interactive workplace safety programs to reduce distracted driving.

In operation since 2010, DIAD delivers corporate seminars customized to your work environment, workforce & operational practices.

Participants are provided with practical strategies and tools to minimize distractions behind the wheel. Employers are provided with practical tools to engage employees through education, best practices, and prevention strategies to reduce distraction.

Distraction-related road user fatalities and injuries are fast overtaking all other forms of road-related deaths and injuries both on-the-job AND off-the-job.

Seminar fees

There is a fixed-fee structure with a base price that includes a customization component, pre- and post-seminar online surveys, seminar delivery of approximately 3 hours, analysis of survey results and a high-level outcome report. 

The final fee is determined based on quantity and length of seminars, interest in related topics and resources, audience size, number of speakers and travel requirements. DIAD clients gain access to TIRF expertise if there is an interest in continued support for assessment, implementation plans and tactics post-seminar.

Seminar customization

Client customization begins with a meeting (phone, Zoom or MS Teams) with key staff to review the current corporate safety culture, practices, and policies as well as goals and desired outcomes of the training. Pre- and post-surveys are used to identify issues, trends and measure change. 

Seminars can also be tailored to accommodate a compressed presentation length, or extended presentation format to meet the needs of individual clients. In these instances, fees are contingent on presentation length, audience size, requests for online versus printed survey forms, and travel requirements.

Added value for clients

Sponsor a Youth Presentation

Clients are offered the opportunity to sponsor a youth presentation in their community with programs available for all grades. Clients are promoted as the presentation sponsor at no additional cost and are provided with a digital marketing image to promote their support of the youth event.

Clients are also recognized for their sponsorship during the school presentation and presented with a certificate of recognition. This helps create a community-based approach to road safety protecting the workforce, their younger family members and neighbours.

Access to Professional Research

DIAD also provides access to the team of TIRF researchers who are knowledgeable about a broad range of road safety issues, and who can share the latest research findings and evidence-based
programs and policies.

The TIRF team has worked with practitioners across transportation, health and criminal justice systems throughout North America and around the world.

To inquire about booking a corporate seminar, contact us via email at diad@tirf.ca or call toll-free (877) 238-5235.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Completely different thought process when I got in my truck afterwards. I will be highly recommending this to other branches & organizations. The facts, cases and science all put together truly make an impact.” DIAD seminar participant, Tolko Industries Ltd. trucking contractor group, Prince Albert, SK August 4, 2017

“Great seminar, great refresher of the issues and what distracted driving can mean. It’s not just texting or hand-held devices but a whole lot more.” DIAD seminar participant, Ontario Northland, North Bay, ON April 9-12, 2018

“I think this presentation should be mandatory in the safety orientation of all workers in all companies.” 2016 Western Conference on Safety