About DIAD

About DIAD

Onsite & virtual, interactive
workplace safety webinars & youth presentations.

Drop It And Drive® was launched in 2010 and in 2017, DIAD began operating under the auspices of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) as a TIRF educational program.

TIRF is an independent road safety research institute established in 1963 and is internationally recognized for its cutting-edge research, and delivery of objective, evidence-based knowledge to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of road safety programs, effective advocacy, and consultation. TIRF is a world leader in research, program and policy development, evaluation, and knowledge transfer with a primary focus on road user behaviours.

Together, DIAD and TIRF blend evidence-based data and research produced by TIRF with the frontline program development and community engagement made available through DIAD.

What makes DIAD unique?

DIAD uses science, real stories and fun interactive exercises to explain and demonstrate what behaviours increase risk and why, as well as share stories about the real consequences of these behaviours. This approach is designed to motivate behaviour change through personally relevant examples.

Our corporate seminars are customized to each client and their geographic location.

We demonstrate easy-to-use tools to help managers and employees identify risk-related distractions in their workplace, and, share practical strategies for companies to implement distraction-related policies. Pre- and post-surveys are used to identify issues, trends and measure change.

DIAD joint worker/supervisor seminars are typically 3.5 hours in length, including breaks. We also offer a variety of seminar formats and lengths to meet client needs, ranging from safety conference presentations to full-day comprehensive, hands-on seminars.

“I think this presentation should be mandatory in the safety orientation of all workers in all companies.”

– 2016 Western Conference on Safety

What is the added value of DIAD?

DIAD corporate clients are offered the opportunity to sponsor a free school presentation in their community in conjunction with the corporate seminar.

Clients are recognized for their sponsorship during the school presentation and also presented with a certificate of recognition. This helps create a community-based approach to road safety protecting the workforce, their younger family members and neighbours.

DIAD also provides access to the team of TIRF researchers who are knowledgeable about a broad range of road safety issues, and who can share the latest research findings and evidence-based programs and policies. The TIRF team has worked with practitioners across transportation, health and criminal justice systems throughout North America and around the world.

Youth Presentations

“I would highly recommend to any school, municipality or corporation in Canada to have Drop It And Drive® attend their organization to present to their students, staff or key stakeholders.”

– City of Ottawa, Traffic Management and Operational Support Branch

Our focus for youth presentations is to provide students with the science of ‘how and why’ distracted driving, and distracted walking, is risky behaviour.

Taking a reality-based approach, we also discuss, through sharing personal stories, the real consequences of a moment’s distraction. At the end of each presentation, we want students to feel empowered, through increased knowledge and understanding, to be road safety ambassadors within their families, school and community.