Home > Road Safety > Pedestrians
Walking as an active mode of transportation or leisure activity has many benefits, not only for the individual who walks but also for society at large. However, due to a lack of personal protection and/or suitable infrastructure, pedestrians are vulnerable on the road. This section provides access to TIRF’s research on this topic.
By: The Honorable T. Bella Dinh-Zarr & guest author, Dr. Robert Zarr
“I know, thanks to TIRF’s research and training, that I have the tools to better educate new recruits, veteran members, the public, and the justice system on the whys and hows of dangerous driving behaviours. I highly recommend all police officers and justices read the TIRF research and attend information sessions if they have the opportunity.”
Cst. Stephen Pannekoek – Victoria Police Department, Traffic Section, Community Service Division