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Fatigued Driving

The Road Safety Monitor – Fatigued Driving

Many people, regardless of age, have a sleep debt, meaning they simply have not slept enough. There are many reasons for this. The consequences are potentially fatal when driving in these circumstances. In this section you can find important research on this often misunderstood and undervalued road safety issue.

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“The work we are doing with TIRF and the Action2Zero learning centre they developed with funding provided by Desjardins, may have saved our non-profit. We have been waiting for a comprehensive way to gather intel around community road safety so we can mobilize and support communities to develop a comprehensive road traffic safety plan. TIRF is a trusted road safety research institute and having their expertise support our organization has been invaluable, we hope to continue working directly with TIRF and Desjardins to deploy the Action2Zero assessment in more communities across Alberta and beyond.”

Debbie Hammond – Executive Director, Coalition for Safer Alberta Roads