Road Users
Road Users

Young Drivers/Riders


Young drivers/riders are especially vulnerable on the road due to their lack of experience, greater willingness to take risks and possible peer pressure. TIRF’s leading research on this group of road users can be found here.

Young Drivers/Riders Resources

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Related TIRF Resources

Related Resources

GDL Framework Safety Center contains the latest research and a suite of free tools to help states and provinces identify gaps in young driver safety strategies, and implement improvements related to graduated driver licensing, driver education, license testing and in-vehicle monitoring technologies.

Young and New Driver Resource Centre shares the latest research about young driver crashes, strategies to prevent them, and the requirements of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) programs as well as Canadian driver education programs. Download free PowerPoint presentations and fact sheets focused on fatigue, distraction, speeding, alcohol and drug impairment, brain development, parental involvement and more.

“I just wanted to send a quick note to thank TIRF for its invaluable support to the Safer Roads Ottawa program at the City of Ottawa. TIRF has been instrumental in providing initial support for the creation of the Fatal Collision Review Committee (FCRC) and support for presentations to City committees relating to evidence based research on automated enforcement initiatives. Their education initiatives including the community toolkit project and the in person sessions from Drop It And Drive® to well over 25,000 Ottawa High School students have had a profound effect raising awareness in our community about traffic fatalities and injuries in our community. On a national level, TIRF has also been a leader when it comes to the creation of the Canadian Coalition on Distracted Driving (CCDD) and their leadership has had an immense impact on municipalities and how we go about creating safer cities.”

Rob Wilkinson – Manager, Safer Roads Ottawa Program