



Drinking & Driving Among Women in Ontario: A Qualitative Study

The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) published a new study to investigate knowledge, attitudes and perceptions among women in Ontario and their experiences in relation to drinking and driving. This project was undertaken with support from the Ontario Women’s Health Network (OWHN) and was funded by Beer Canada through its continued support of Change the Conversation. Drinking and driving continues to be a cause for concern despite a substantial decline in alcohol-impaired driving rates in Canada over the last 30 years.

Although there has consistently been a lower rate of impaired driving among women as compared to men, incidents among women have increased in the past two decades. In 2015, women account for 1 in 5 reported incidents of impaired driving whereas in 1986 they represented just 1 in 13. The goal of this research project was to explore the factors that may contribute to driving after drinking behaviours among women. Key findings from this project will inform the development of more targeted prevention messaging that reflects the experiences of women, and more effective strategies to reach this audience to help to reverse this trend. Products emerging from the study will contain tailored preventive messaging and include several resources, such as an infographic and fact sheets that will be shared through Sober Smart Driving, TIRF’s national education program on impaired driving.

Project Sponsors

Beer Canada Logo@2x
Project Status: Published

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