



A New GDL Framework: Planning for the Future

The Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF) launched the GDL Framework Safety Center. This new, web-based resource contains a suite of practical tools to help states strengthen young driver safety strategies related to graduated driver licensing, driver education, license testing and in-vehicle monitoring technologies. Based on the latest evidence and best practices, TIRF created this resource with input from experienced young driver stakeholders in three jurisdictions and consultation with Allan Williams. It was made possible through a partnership with the National Safety Council and with sponsorship from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The Safety Center contains relevant research and tacit knowledge and is accompanied by a suite of practical tools and resources to help state agencies and stakeholders further strengthen young driver safety programs. It enables jurisdictions to select and customize Framework components best-suited to the priorities in their jurisdiction. Infographics, research summaries, best practice examples, data input templates to assess young driver issues, and briefing notes for decision-makers are included to help build support among political leaders and key stakeholders. A checklist is also provided to identify which Framework features have the most potential for implementation, to quantify the need for these features, and key steps to develop an implementation plan.

The Safety Center was developed to reduce the elevated crash risk among young and new drivers. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among teens. More concerning, young drivers are two to three times more likely to experience a crash. During the first six months of licensure, young drivers are eight times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than more experienced drivers.

The GDL Framework was created in 2 stages. Phase 1 involved an international scientific review of evidence associated with young driver programs and workshop to consider various facets of an effective GDL program. Phase 2 involved an international survey and workshop focused on strategies to assist jurisdictions with implementing the GDL Framework.

The GDL Framework Safety Center is accessible at


Project Sponsors

NSC Logo
Project Status: Published
Project Updated: October 19, 2018

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TIRF’s research & educational tools support the work of communities across Canada.

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