



The Road Safety Monitor – Fatigued Driving

The Road Safety Monitor (RSM) is a unique, annual public opinion survey that takes the pulse of the nation on key traffic safety issues and tracks changes in behaviours, attitudes and opinions of Canadians by means of a telephone and on-line survey of a random, representative sample of Canadian drivers. Both in 2011 and in 2004, many Canadians indicated that the average person should stop and take a break after two hours of driving to remain alert (41.6% in 2011 and 37.7% in 2004). In fact, the National Sleep Foundation and the Highway Safety Roundtable both recommend taking a break every two hours when driving to remain alert. Hence, while many Canadians seem to be aware of this method of prevention many others are not aware of this and think that taking a break only after three hours or more is fine.

Data collected to date has revealed that fewer Canadians are falling asleep or nodding off at the wheel in 2011 compared to previous years. However, almost one-fifth of drivers still reported that they have fallen asleep or nodded off while driving in the past year. These results indicate that further monitoring is needed to ensure public awareness campaigns and workplace policies continue to adequately address the risk.

Please see individual RSMs for sponsors

Project Status: Ongoing

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613-238-5235 (office)
1-877-238-5235 (toll-free)
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