The Road Safety Monitor (RSM) is a unique, annual public opinion survey, conducted by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), that takes the pulse of the nation on key traffic safety issues and tracks changes in opinions, attitudes and behaviours of Canadians by means of a telephone and on-line survey of a random, representative sample of Canadian drivers. The excitement and independence of young drivers getting their licence often overshadows the high risk of death or serious injury as the result of a road crash. Of greatest concern, young drivers are over-represented in serious road crashes and this is a leading cause of death for young people.
Conversely, aging drivers who, in addition to normal agerelated declines in abilities such as slower reaction times and limited mobility, may also be affected by other conditions such as visual impairment, heart disease, stroke, and dementia and impairment due to medications related to those conditions. Consequently, as the population continues to age, issues related to aging drivers will likely become more prevalent. Of considerable concern, aging drivers account for a significant proportion of the road death toll, ranked second only to young drivers aged 15 to 24.
There are proven strategies to help keep young and aging drivers stay safe on the road. Graduated driver licensing programs allow young drivers to more safely gain experience under protective conditions. In addition, research has shown that driver cessation strategies, as well as improved cognitive testing for all drivers, are just two examples of evidence-based strategies to protect aging drivers.
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